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GPT-4o, Vision models, Gemini Pro, Claude 3.5

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How Picasso inspired art world?


Cubism Revolution


Abstract Art Advancements


Picasso's Blue Period


Expression Through Portraits


Political Commentary in Art


Experimental Use of Materials


Artistic Techniques Innovation

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Art Pioneer

Picasso, alongside colleague Georges Braque, co-founded the Cubism art movement around 1909. Cubism showcased a dramatic shift in perspective, representing objects from multiple view points in a fractured, abstract manner.This unprecedented technique transformed the traditional, single perspective view and opened up new possibilities for visual representation. Picasso's masterpiece, "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon," is often considered the piece that ignited the Cubism movement.The painting features distorted and deconstructed figures, presented in a way that lets you view them from different angles simultaneously. Cubism not only had a profound impact on the direction of visual art, it also influenced literature and music. Picasso's innovative ideas on form and perspective changed the very definitions of artistic style, thus inspiring generations of artists.

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Impacting future movements

Provoking abstract thought

Stimulation artistic evolution

Impacting future movements

As an innovator, Picasso embraced experimentation in art education, ushering in new approaches to teaching and learning. His influence led to a shift in pedagogical methods, emphasizing hands-on experiences and a spirit of discovery. By challenging preconceived ideas and working outside the traditional boundaries, Picasso encouraged art students to explore uncharted territories in their artistic practice. Experimentation in art became synonymous with learning during Picasso's era. His avant-garde approach permeated art schools, prompting educators to rethink their curricula. No longer was art education merely about mastering the classical techniques or replicating the works of old masters. Instead, it started to focus on nurturing creativity and individual expression. Picasso's ethos suggested that an artist's personal vision was paramount, and the act of creation was a voyage of discovery.

Albus, dynamic mind maps, contextual image support, image gallery

Develop your train of thought.

Seamlessly link content and create dynamic mind-maps with contextual suggestions.

Albus, dynamic mind maps, contextual image support
Albus, dynamic mind maps, contextual image support, abstract art

Cubism revolution

The Cubism revolution, pioneered by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, marked one of the most groundbreaking shifts in the history of art. This movement fragmented the continuity of form, challenged the conventions of perspective, and upended centuries-old techniques that sought to replicate nature. Cubism unfolded in two distinct phases: Analytic Cubism and Synthetic Cubism. Analytic Cubism was the deconstruction phase, where objects and figures were broken down into geometric shapes and represented from multiple viewpoints simultaneously. This approach...


Shoufay Derz —Loving the alien

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Environmental symbolism

Provoking abstract thought

Stimulation artistic evolution

Albus, image insights, environmental symbolism

Nature-human connection

The connection between nature and humanity is undeniable and deeply rooted in our existence. Throughout history, humans have relied on nature for survival, from the provision of resources for nourishment and shelter to the inspiration it offers for artistic creation. In fact, our emotional and spiritual well-being is often nourished through our interactions with the natural world. Nature poses as a perpetual source of awe and wonder, captivating our senses and instilling a sense of humility in the face of its vastness and beauty. It has the power to heal, rejuvenate, and provide solace, offering a much-needed escape from the fast-paced and demanding rhythm of modern life.

Albus, image generation, re-create, woman in a park

Re-imagine visuals.

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Albus, image generation, re-create, woman in a park, fantasy art style
Albus, image generation, re-create, woman in a park, comic style
Albus, image generation, re-create, woman in a park, caricature style


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Words to Wonders

Turn your text into mesmerising visuals with a wide-range of creative options.

A wise old woman, clothed in a blue and white robe, carries years of experience etched in her wrinkles. A belt binds her fragile attire, a symbol of her strength regardless of age. Her grey hair gleams with wisdom, a testament to the journey she's endured...

Digital art



Albus, image generation, wise old woman, digital art, v3
Albus, image generation, wise old woman, digital art, v1
Albus, image generation, wise old woman, digital art, v2
  • Digital art

  • Pixel art

    Albus, image generation with AI, pixel art style
  • Low poly

    Albus, image generation with AI, low poly style
  • Heroic fantasy

    Albus, image generation with AI, heroic fantasy style
  • Renaissance

    Albus, image generation with AI, renaissance style
  • Pop art

    Albus, image generation with AI, pop art style
  • Cubist

    Albus, image generation with AI, cubist style
  • Watercolour

    Albus, image generation with AI, watercolour style
  • Impressionist

    Albus, image generation with AI, impressionist style
  • Mandola

    Albus, image generation with AI, mandola art style
  • Elemental

    Albus, image generation with AI, elemental art style
  • Pyschedelic

    Albus, image generation with AI, pyschedelic style
  • Space

    Albus, image generation with AI, space art style
  • Gloomy

    Albus, image generation with AI, gloomy style
  • Constructivist

    Albus, image generation with AI, constructivist art style
  • Optical

    Albus, image generation with AI, optical art style
  • Cel shaded

    Albus, image generation with AI, cel shaded art style
  • Surrealism

    Albus, image generation with AI, surrealism style
  • Fantasy

    Albus, image generation with AI, fantasy art style
  • Fauvism

    Albus, image generation with AI, fauvism style
  • Suprematism

    Albus, image generation with AI, suprematism style
  • Terragen

    Albus, image generation with AI, terragen style
  • Astral aura

    Albus, image generation with AI, astral aura style
  • Minimalism

    Albus, image generation with AI, minimalism style
  • Isometric

    Albus, image generation with AI, isometric style
  • Vaporwave

    aAlbus, image generation with AI, vaporwave style
  • Volumetric light

    Albus, image generation with AI, volumetric light style
  • Macro photo

    Albus, image generation with AI, macro photo style
  • Tilt-shift

    Albus, image generation with AI, tilt-shift style
  • Faded

    Albus, image generation with AI, faded style
  • Monochrome

    Albus, image generation with AI, monochrome style
  • Film-noir

    Albus, image generation with AI, film-noir style
  • Long-exposure

    Albus, image generation with AI, long-exposure style

Range of visual styles for different creative needs.

Let images speak.

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Among wheat and whimsy

As the early morning sun slanted across the ripe wheat field, a solitary figure in a straw hat weaved among them, the ghostly hill casting a large canvas of silhouettes in the backdrop. The figure, a comical soul - adorned in a hat and cape atop his usual attire…


Albus, image generation with AI, manga style, audio generation

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Minco the mouse.txt


The camera shows a wall on one of the underground subway platforms. With a weary motion, a middle-aged man is affixing a new movie poster to the large billboard. Right next to him, we notice an excited mouse watching him. The camera slowly focuses on the mouse. Then we see the dreamy look on the mouse's face. It watches the film poster, mesmerized. Then it looks up at the man and we see it panic. Now the camera shows the man’s face. At first, he does not understand, then his eyebrows furrow. He grabs the mop standing on the edge of the board with resentment.

At that moment, we turn back to Minco. The little mouse looks bewildered, sensing the approaching danger. Suddenly, it turns and starts to run. It dashes along the platform and enters the first hole it sees in the wall. We watch it run, swiftly moving through pipes and puddles. When it goes down another layer, it traverses a narrow, long corridor-like marketplace made up of opposing stalls. It's as if we can hear its rapid heartbeat. Other mice it encounters on the way look at it with laughter.

At one point in the corridor, it encounters another mouse. Leyla turns to it and says, "Hey Minco, what’s up?" but Minco keeps running without listening. Finally, at the end of the corridor, it sees a door and enters. Inside, we encounter an older mouse. Minco's mother exclaims, "Where have you been?" But Minco quickly enters another room, closes the door, and leans against it, breathing rapidly. We first see Minco's "teenage room," cobbled together from scavenged items, in a wide shot. Then we focus on Minco's face. After saying "Whew!" his breathing slows, and a sincere, dreamy smile appears on his face.

11 styles, 109 distint voices




Minco the mouse

In a hidden underground world, Minco, an ordinary mouse, finds himself entangled in a mysterious film poster. What secrets does it hold? What danger awaits Minco and those he loves?


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Albus, image generation with AI, resolution increase
Albus, image generation with AI, low res
Albus, image generation with AI, background removal


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Albus, pdf analysis, document intelligence, notes
Albus, insights, intelligence, notes, mind-map, green
Albus, insights, intelligence, notes, mind-map, yellow

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Albus, image generation with AI, cubist style, woman statue, art
Albus, dynamic mind maps, contextual image support, cubism

How Picasso inspired art world?


Cubism Revolution


Abstract Art Advancements


Picasso's Blue Period


Expression Through Portraits


Political Commentary in Art


Experimental Use of Materials


Artistic Techniques Innovation

Challanged traditional art

During Picasso's time, which spanned most of the 20th century, traditional art norms were undergoing significant upheaval. Picasso himself played a pivotal role in challenging and reshaping these norms. Here's an overview of the traditional art norms in Picasso's era:

  1. Academic Realism: At the start of Picasso's career in the late 19th century, the dominant style was Academic Realism. This style emphasized precise and detailed rendering of subjects, often historical or mythological, and was taught in formal art academies.

  1. Impressionism and Post-Impressionism: In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, movements like Impressionism and Post-Impressionism emerged. These movements rejected the strict realism of the academic tradition in favour of capturing the fleeting effects of light and color in the world.

  2. Cubism: Picasso, along with Georges Braque, pioneered Cubism in the early 20th century. This revolutionary movement shattered traditional norms of representation by breaking down subjects into geometric shapes and multiple perspectives. It challenged the idea of art as a faithful representation of reality.

Art Pioneer

Picasso, alongside colleague Georges Braque, co-founded the Cubism art movement around 1909. Cubism showcased a dramatic shift in perspective, representing objects from multiple view points in a fractured, abstract manner.This unprecedented technique transformed the traditional, single perspective view and opened up new possibilities for visual representation. Picasso's masterpiece, "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon," is often considered the piece that ignited the Cubism movement. The painting features distorted and deconstructed figures, presented in a way that lets you view them from different angles simultaneously.

Is creativity a fast or slow process? According to the idiom, ideas strike, just like lightning. And when I think of some of the great artists from history and today, it seems that speed is sometimes essential.

When Jackson Pollock prowled around his canvas, dripping paint from a pot, he did so in a spirit of headlong spontaneity. It couldn’t have been possible otherwise…

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Claude 3


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Claude 3.5


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A reflection

Having a magic wand button does not make software a life-saving substitute for human effort. Professional people who deal with knowledge and ideas daily bring value by using their intelligence as human beings, like creatives, journalists, researchers, consultants, tutors, writers and freelancers...

Albus is an AI-powered platform to take the load off them so they can wire ideas instead of shuttling between tabs and apps.

Thanks to large language models and machine learning services, a well-designed experience could surface relations and connections within a context by momentarily processing a vast amount of information, acting as a mind companion on a screen (for now). This saves precious time and attention and allows you to spark new ideas.

Let’s make it together.

Love from Albus team.
