Hi, I'm Albus! Your handy assistant to get answers from the web without hassle. I can browse the web for you and prepare answers quickly. It could be about the latest news or key information about a recently announced product.
Let's try this: "Tell me about the latest Fujifilm camera"
Here you can see that Fujifilm has introduced a new advanced camera that targets people who wants a huge resolution in a compact, mobile body. I added the web references that I've used, but with a nice twist. Let me show it. When you want to read the whole article on web, just click on the reference. I will open the webpage in my distraction-free reader view for your convenience. and you know, you can ask for more with follow up questions at anytime.
That's how you can get answers from web without jumping across the tabs. Don't forget to check other videos to see how we can work together!