Today's tip: Perspectives.
I can learn about your content and keep it familiar and organised. Thanks to my multi-modal indexing engine, I always look through the semantics lens and don't mind file types.
As you know, I store your files securely and organise them due to their meanings. So you don't need to sort them out.
If an audio recording and a PDF report fall into the same meaning group, I keep them together.
Perspectives are basically the way how I organise your files. When you want to change the folder structure, click auto-perspective, and I'll reorganise your files while keeping the semantic relevance.
Alternatively, you can request a custom one. Let's have a look.
Here, we can see a mix of audio and PDF documents. Click "Custom organisation", and type how you want to see your files.
Now I created more detailed folders for files under the Fashion Industry topic.
Remembering file names is no longer necessary. I rename everything according to their meanings so they make sense at first glance.
You can switch back to the original names. Go to your library settings for this. So, that's how I handle your content as you would, thanks to my semantic indexing engine.
And that's all for now. Stay tuned and come back for more soon!